


Got $MIRA? Let me teach you how to exchange it!

When you see a message like this in the "Notifications":
Congratulations 🎉, your article has been recognized by others, and I hope you can continue to produce excellent content.

So how do you turn this motivation into coins that can be withdrawn?

Transfer MIRA from the Crossbell Network to the Polygon Network#

Visit https://mira.crossbell.io/, log in to your Xlog wallet in the upper right corner, and then select "SWAP OUT" in the middle of the page.


If you are using a wallet on your phone, please keep the app open, as you will need to sign several requests.

Then click "Swap $MIRA", and your $MIRA will be confirmed and the following steps will be taken:

  • If your current wallet is not on the Crossbell network, you will be asked to switch.
  • Authorize enough $MIRA to the SWAP service.
  • Automatic exchange.
  • You will be told to switch from the Crossbell network to the Polygon network in your wallet.
  • The smart contract will distribute the exchanged $MIRA to your wallet on the Polygon network.

😀 If this is your first time exchanging $MIRA or you have not used the Polygon network before, you may lack the token MATIC required by the Polygon exchange. Leave a comment under this article and let me check if your Xlog has received any rewards. If you have received rewards and your address does not have a MATIC balance, I will give your account a free 0.2 MATIC, which will allow you to complete your first transaction.

😟 One more thing, the GAS fee required by exchanges on the blockchain is dynamic. If you find that the transaction fee is high, you can try again after a while.

Exchange $MIRA for Stablecoins#

Exchanging $MIRA for stablecoins can stabilize the value of $MIRA to some extent, otherwise there may be a situation where the value drops immediately after the exchange (.

Visit UniSwap, and there is an option for Chinese in the upper right corner.

Then select a target token you want to exchange in the middle of the page:

If you don't know which one to choose, choose USDC, which has lower transaction fees and is a stablecoin, making it easier to sell.
Open your wallet, click the red button, wait a moment, then authorize it, and you will see the newly exchanged token in your wallet.

🫨 Remember to keep some $MIRA to exchange for MATIC, otherwise you won't be able to transfer it next time.

Exchange Stablecoins for Cash#

If you don't like blockchain and just want to turn this coin into spendable money, then please continue:

Real-name authentication is required to trade fiat currency through legitimate exchanges. If you mind, you can only figure out a way by yourself.

Both are relatively large, just choose one to register.

Transfer the Tokens to the Wallet#

Open the exchange, taking Binance as an example:

Select "Deposit", choose the token you just exchanged, such as USDC, and the network can only be selected as MATIC.

Copy the address.

Open your wallet, select "Send" or "Transfer", and transfer all the tokens to the address provided by the exchange.

Note⚠️Minimum deposit amount!

Due to the different design of the Polygon network, it may take a little longer for the tokens to arrive, and at least 300 blocks need to be confirmed before trading can take place. The longest waiting time may be an hour, so please be patient.

Exchange for USDT First#

Because the Binance I used for demonstration only has USDT and no USDC for C2C trading, you need to exchange it in advance.

If your exchange supports it, that's even better.


C2C Trading#

Once your tokens have been successfully deposited into the exchange, you can find "C2C" or "Buy Coins" on the exchange.

Select "Sell" and choose "CNY" as the fiat currency. Estimate the amount based on a ratio of 1:7.

Then find a payment method you support and a merchant with a good exchange rate, and follow their instructions to complete the transaction.

You will find that this conversion from $MIRA to ¥CNY is intertwined and deducts money at every step 🥲

What should I do if the Crossbell token cannot be transferred to the Polygon network?#

You obviously didn't read my article carefully enough 🤬

I will provide you with some free MATIC for trading, and here are more detailed instructions:

What you will receive#

0.2 MATIC to help you complete transactions on the Polygon network in the blockchain.

If this 0.2 is not enough, it may be because the network was too busy when you exchanged it, resulting in a high GAS fee. Take a break for a while.


  • Xlog user
  • Your Xlog has sent content and someone has rewarded you
  • Your wallet has never had a transaction on the Polygon network
  • Tell me in the comments section666

Other matters#

In theory, as long as I haven't gone bankrupt and continue to output content on Xlog, I can continue to provide this love.

Finally, let's continue to produce high-quality content together 😄

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.